Welcome to NGULABS . My name is Tomas Dockus. I'm the founder . For the last 18 years I have been working as a neuro exercise specialist at NEXT STEPS CHICAGO. www.nextstepschicago.org
Throughout the years, while training clients with variety of neurological disorders, I had a chance to use variety types of equipment, training methods and technologies, which are still developing and getting better every year. My work experience gave me a better sense and understanding of what was missing and what additional tools we need as practitioners to make the evidence based practice more safe and effective for our clients, and also to make training more enjoyable for trainers and clients.
To design and develop concepts of safe and effective tools that can be used during evidence-based practice, and to continue help clients and patients progress toward their recovery.
JON O'CONNOR (1971-2013)
Suffering from a neck injury, he fought paralysis until the very end. This talented, down to the earth, strong-minded man devoted his life to people with similar causes by supporting the research and making cutting-edge therapy easier to obtain financially.
O’CONNOR FAMILY is continuing support the SCI community by keeping Next Steps Chicago open and donating to the cutting-edge research that focuses to cure paralysis.
For more information visit.
NEXT STEP CHICAGOIf you are interested in learning more or looking to purchase the LTB–K kit. Please send us a message, we are in the process of taking pre orders. We look forward to hearing from you.